928-753-2048 or 928-757-9355


There are as many different kinds of water well pumps as there are requirements, although selection factors often depend on the depth of the water and the diameter of the casing. Some pumps have special purposes such as boosting water pressure or offering a special water outlet. Jet pumps pull water, while submersible pumps work by pushing water upward. Since pushing water requires less energy, submersible pumps are often more efficient for deep wells.

For more information about a Water well pumps from A-1 Arthur’s Well Service in Mohave County visit https://a-1arthurswellservice.com/water-well-pumps


Selecting the Right Water Well Pump
Article Name
Selecting the Right Water Well Pump
There are as many different kinds of water well pumps as there are requirements. Some water well pumps have special purposes such as boosting water pressure.