928-753-2048 or 928-757-9355


It is important to know whether your neighbors have water wells and if so, their locations. It is preferable to locate your well as far away from neighboring wells as possible. Wells that are close together can interfere with each other, producing less of a water supply. You can contact the Arizona Department of Water Resources’ Water Rights Records Section to find the locations of other wells in your area or contact us and we can assist you with that information.

For more information about Water Wells from A-1 Arthur’s Well Service in Mohave County visit: https://a-1arthurswellservice.com/water-wells


Water Well
Service Type
Water Well
Provider Name
A-1 Arthur’s Well Service,
Mohave County
It is important to know whether your neighbors have water wells and if so, their locations. To find the locations of other water wells in your area contact us and we can assist.